God's Truth In Love

Archive for February, 2021|Monthly archive page

COVID-19 – God and Man at Work

In Agape Love, Attitude, Bible Study, Biblical Principles, Christian Lifestyle, Christian Living, Christianity, Church Growth, Contentment, Coronavirus, Coronavirus/COVID-19, COVID-19, Disunity, God's Voice, Godly Counsel, Holy Spirit, Love, Marriage, Repentance, Truth, Uncategorized, Wisdom on February 28, 2021 at 9:25 am

During the whole of the pandemic we have heard so much about the negative affects that the isolation and the restrictive movement have had on people’s lives, or so we hear in our local media. However, I challenge the notion that it has been all bad.

What has God been doing in the lives of people as He kept children at home, dads at home, moms at home, couples at home together? What has God been doing during the time when He stripped away religious practice and worship truly was up to the private individual, in their own way, in their own home?

Has there been mental and emotional, and perhaps even spiritual problems due to the isolation and the restricted movements of the pandemic? Yes, of course there have been. There has been horrible abuse, horrible loneliness, and sin has existed. However, there has also been great growth for individuals, for families, and for couples. Growth we will explore in more depth in another post. There has also been more time for individuals to take a good look at themselves, to explore their own inner spiritual person, come to terms with and perhaps do something in response to what they discovered during the isolation that God has allowed in their life.

The pandemic has caused financial loss, but I dare to say that in a spiritual and relational level it has done more good for people than harm, and certainly more good than what was financially lost. Blessings from God are not just material or financial more often the greater ones are intangible such as growth and change.

Sometimes God has to get people’s attention, sometimes God has to get a country’s attention, but God always leaves people who are repentant better off than they were when He started a particular work in their life.

1 Year Mark Approaches – God speaks breaking His silence on Coronavirus/COVID-19

In Chrisitan Lifestyle, Christian Living, Coronavirus/COVID-19, COVID-19, God, God's Voice, Godly Counsel, Repentance, Unity on February 28, 2021 at 9:06 am

As we approach the one year mark since COVID-19 started shutting the door of churches, changing our lives, and locking down America, what have we learned as a people, what have we learned as Christians?  What has God done and what is God doing through allowing COVID-19? 

Together let us start to explore that matter.

Saturday, April 11, 2020 (Holy Saturday) 4:45 am (eastern time United States of America)

The Word of the LORD to His people, thus says the Lord…

“Amid the suffering, amid the dying, you My people still cannot see to understand the twisted nature of your ways because you seek My Face, no, because you seek My Hand. You seek My Hand (My part in) this crisis, amid your trial, when you should be seeking My Face (My Message during) the scourge.

In days past I brought My Message to My people first, then to the rest of the world. I spoke first to My people. Again, I bring My Message to My people first, then the world.

I, Jesus, am the Church, the Church is My People not your temples of brick and mortar. Not your symbols of man’s ambition and greed. I never built a building I built a people. I called for unity among those people, called and called through my servants over the last many seasons (years), yet, most among you have refused to listen. You hid behind your walls of brick and mortar content in a man-made world, while ignoring your brothers and sisters everywhere you are not. Now pushed out of your walls of complacency will you listen!

I have called My people in recent seasons (years) to unity, not unity around sin, never, but unity in Me, in My Message, My Message not your message, and unity around the need to love and care for one another amid an ever growing sinful world. Without unity the world will tear at the very fabric of the Body I built. Without unity sin and decay will distort it’s purpose, My Purpose. Without unity a season of great despair will be coming, so unite now, while you have the time. I drove you out of your buildings to drive you back together. I want unity around My foundational principles and a love for Me. Give Me My Unity, and again I will give you My Power as in days past.

Hear Me, respond to Me, love Me.”

Use the “comment” link to send in your insights regarding what God has been doing in the Body of Christ, the United States, the world,  and in your life personally during this pandemic.